Friday, May 1, 2015

Langtang diary...

Bus was swerving on the road to Kalikasthan and then we had our hearts to our mouth while reaching to Dhunche. But my eyes were eagerly searching for any sign of wildlife.My one and only dream was to see a Red Panda in this trek.You've to be very lucky and which i was not in this case.Some of the major spotting of wildlife in this trek.
First spotting: As soon as we reach Langtang Buffer zone checkpoint,we were blessed with the sight of Kalij (Lophura leucomelanos).
Second spotting: After a long trek,near Ghoda Tabela,we spotted a group of Langurs(Semnopithecus entellus) hanging from branch to branch with their long arms and tails.Langurs were spotted more than once in this trek.
Third spotting:Lammergeier or Bearded vulture(Gypaetus barbatus) gliding above Kyanjin Gompa area with long wings and golden body was really majestic.
Fourth spotting: While returning from Kyanjin to Langtang Valley, a small Royle's Pika (Ochotona roylei) crossed our way.
Fifth spotting: In the dense jungle after Bambo village, we were blessed with the sighting of Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjac).
Other spottings: Many birds were seen which were as small as a thumb (Warblers) to a most common bird i.e. black bird with reddish beak(Choughs).Plumbeous water redstarts were commonly seen at the riverbanks on the trek trail.Thrushes and babblers, fantails were also seen. Yaks and horses, mostly domestic were also observed.
Overall, this trek was a great experience in my life and it was really fun place to be especially for nature lovers.

(photos are taken from internet.)


  1. it would have been wonderful if you had managed to click those photos by yourself, a nice article though.

  2. You would have many more spotting if you would follow "Gurung gaun" route instead following same route through Bamboo twice...........anyway very nice article:)

  3. nice article!
    you saw soo many animals raicha!how i wish we could have captured them all in our lenses..
