Friday, May 8, 2015

Birds found around Kathmandu University,Dhulikhel,Nepal

Kathmandu University(KU) is located in a mountainous landscape in Dhulikhel Municipality about 30 kilometers east of Kathmandu having round-the-year pleasant climate and panoramic mountain views, built up in space of 46,846 square meters.There are abundant trees and shrubs in the slope around buildings of KU and its surrounding which provide ample habitat for different species of birds(either seasonal visitor or residential). Here is the list of birds that are found in the vicinity of Kathmandu University.

Common Name Nepali Name Scientific Name
Pigeon Parewa Columba livia
House sparrow Bhangera Passer domesticus
Tree sparrow Bhangera Passer montanus
House crow Kaag Corvus splendids
Raven Jangali Kaag Corvus corax
Barn swallow Gauthali Hirundo rustica
Common mynah Rupi Acridotheres tristis
Wild mynah Jangali rupi Acridotheres fuscus
Red vented bulbul Jureli Pycnonotus cafer
Black drongo Kalo chibe Dicrurus macrocercus
Long tailed shrike Bhadrai Lanius schach
Hoopoe Faafre Upupa epops
Asian magpie robin Dhobini chara Copsychus saularis
Cattle egret Bakulla Bubulcus ibis
Black kite Chil Milvus migrans
Eurasian collared dove Kanthe dhukur Streptopelia decaocto
Spotted dove Kurle dhukur Spilopelia chinensis
Rose ringed parakeet Kanthe suga Psittacula krameri
Common koel Koili Eudynamys scolopaceus
Indian cuckoo Kaafal paakyo  Cuculus micropterus
Stork billed kingfisher Thulo maatokore Pelargopsis capensis
Red billed blue magpie Nilo laampucchre Urocissa erythrorhyncha
Great tit Chichilkote Parus major
Stonechat Jhekjhek jhyapsi Saxicola maurus
Warbler Fisto Basileuterus griseiceps
Tailor bird Damai chara/Paatsiune fisto Orthotomus sutorius
Barn owl Laatokosero Tyto alba
Blue throated barbet Kuthurke Megalaima asiatica
Steppe eagle Steppe chil Aquila nipalensis

Red-vented bulbul
(Note: Images are abstracted from internet)


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